Get Involved

There are many ways to serve at Valley Church. Take a moment to look through some of the ministries available. If you would like to serve, but not sure where or how, you can always email us.

Worship and Media

Join the Worship and Media TeamThe worship and media team is passionate about pursuing God and to entering into the presence with music, prayer, and song. If you are musically talented, interested in sound production, talented in graphic design, or simply enjoy computers and media interaction then we invite you to join our team. Contact the church office or grab anyone of us during Sunday service for more information.

Children’s Ministry

Sunday School – 4 years through High School

Teach in the Sunday School MinistryChildren are an integral part of the church body. They have the same need of salvation and the same Holy Spirit as adults if they have made the step of accepting Christ as their savior. We have a responsibility as a church to nurture and train them in the things of God. Most people come to Christ as children; they are the ones to carry the message of mercy and grace to the next generation. We are always looking for people who have the grace to teach or are willing to learn, and who love children. Training is provided for new teachers and assistants.


Currently we have a nursery for ages one through 3 years old, parents are encouraged to stay with their infants and use the cry room located on the left side of auditorium for feeding or crying infants.


The greeters and ushers represent the church in a very visible way. They help set the tone in preparation for the worship service and assist with the smooth operation within the service.

Ministries to Join

  • Connect Groups
  • Hospitality: Potluck Team
  • Worship
  • Media
  • Youth Ministry
  • Children’s Ministry
  • Prayer Team
  • Welcome Team